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ute meinte, bei ihr sei platz ... also gut

  1. How many gigantic bytes of music are saved on your computer? 8 - about 900 songs

  2. The last CD you have bought Pierre Boulez: Schoenberg (Suite, Op.29 / Verklärte Nacht, Op. 4 / 3 Pieces for Chamber Orchestra) in Berlin gekauft

  3. Which song did you listen to when you were reading the request to write this? Beck: Everybody gotta learn something

  4. Five songs that mean a lot to me or that I often listen to: Groenemeyer: Halt mich Pascal Obispo: L´important c´est d´aimer Van Morrison: Have I told you lately Rio Reiser: Junimond Orletta Admas: Get here

  5. Whom are you going to pass on this stick (3 persons) and why? Pan Alpha noelscheich

  • von allen lange nix gehört


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Paris im Herbst
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