Montag, 3. Juli 2006

job stuff

Top Ten Reasons Not To Work Here

  1. Fast-moving objects scare you We move at a lightning pace. Sit down. Buckle up. It’s going to be a wild ride.

  2. You’re easily intimidated With us, you’ll work with the brightest people in the business. Think Greek symbols in PowerPoint presentations.

  3. You don’t look good in hats Multi-tasking is the norm here and you’ll need to wear several hats — sometimes all at once.

  4. Flexibility is not one of your traits A typical workday with us is interrupt-driven. Anything can and will happen.

  5. You don’t play well with others We’re seeking teammates, not employees.

  6. Your have a fear of sharp pointy objects We are pioneering in the market - pioneers often take arrows in their backs.

  7. Ingenuity isn’t your thing We pride ourselves on innovation. Are you bursting with Big Ideas?

  8. Your doctor said you have no backbone Working here is all about results. Not excuses.

  9. Track and field isn’t your sport Working here is a lot like high-jumping: for every hurdle you clear, we’ll raise the bar higher.

  10. You take yourself too seriously We’re on a mission to become one of the Top 5 companies in our market in the world. And we plan to have fun doing it.

Gefunden bei einer Amerikanischen Firma ...

Would you work there?

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